Posts Tagged “plane”

All of the airline companies has much more restrictive rules about most thinks then railway or buses. It is nothing surprising, there have been couple bombing attacks in the past. You cannot have any kind of weapon on board, even fake one. You could only bring one kilo of liquids, separates in small bottles. And…

Being a member of European Union is very helpful for polish travelers. They are able to travel to the most of countries on Old Continent, without any passport or visa, they just need to takie ID with them. If you are planning to visit your relatives in United States or Canada, you need to make…

When you are travel to the different countries, you like to do something interesting during your flight, like read a book or magazine for example. But what if your trip is going to last more then dozen hours? You are not allow to use your phone, and you cannot sleep entire time, but all of…

People from whole around the world are traveling back and forth from one destination to another. Most of the times, their mode of transportation is airplane. It is nothing surprising, cause it is the most save and fast way for a lot of the people. But in many cases, it is also the most cheap…

Nowadays, a lot of companies from entire Europe are making businesses with Russian corporations. So because of that, don’t be surprised if you boss will send you for a trip to St. Petersburg, to meet with couple of new client. If situation like that will have place, you are a lucky one, because after hours,…

Your boss send you to totally strange city in the middle of Eastern Europe? Don’t be sad, maybe you have never heard about Rzeszow, but it doesn’t mean that there are no tourist attractions. So head’s up, these small article will bring you closer main facts about this charming city, situated at the east part…

Nowadays, when the world economy is not in the best shape, people are trying to save money wherever they can. The are buying clothes and furniture on sales, using more economical cars, renting cheaper flats. But what about holidays? Even with bad economy, it doesn’t mean, that people stop going on vacations, they just choosing…

If you are looking for cheap air tickets, you may find plenty of great deals also But sometimes, if You don’t know when and where to search for it, you may pay much more. Here are 7 ways, how to avoid unnecessary costs. 1. Don’t book your tickets for most popular seasons You will…

When you are planning your dreamed holiday abroad, it has to be perfect. Two weeks with your beloved ones in beautiful, exotic city, in luxury, five stars hotel with all inclusive option. This is very tempting, but you have to get there first. You could always rent a car or drive on your own, but…

If you like to travel for a song, you don’t want to spend to much time on your journey and you like to get safe and sound from one place to another, you should invest in cheap plane tickets. Airplanes are the most popular kind of transportation right now, and there is nothing weird about….

Even if you are very busy businessman on your delegation to Moscow, you have to find few hours to explore this interesting city. Maybe it is not as beautiful as Petersburg, but it is also worth to be seen. A lot of historical building, old churches, fancy restaurants and boutiques – everyone will find here…

Every now and then, if you like your business to run properly, you have to travel to meet some investors. Sometimes you find yourself in not so much interesting places, and sometimes you are lucky, and you go for a trip to cities like Frankfurt. This is investor’s paradise, but it is not only about…

Who wouldn’t like to go for business trip to Madrid? Beautiful architecture, nice cuisine to enjoy, during the lunch with contractors, A lot of tourists attractions to explore after working hours. The worse think you can do, is to spend all of your free time hanging in your room or hotel lobby. And if you…

Canada is not favorite destination for European tourists. Unknown customs, cold weather, lack of attractions – for many it is just ugly sister of United States. But it is opinion of people who never been in this country. So if your business contract send you to one of the biggest city there, Toronto, you will…