Posts Tagged “flight”

Polish travelers are able to travel at the entire area of European Union without any barriers, thanks to our membership in EU. It happen more than a decade ago, but still some people haven’t tried an airplane trip before.

All of the airline companies has much more restrictive rules about most thinks then railway or buses. It is nothing surprising, there have been couple bombing attacks in the past. You cannot have any kind of weapon on board, even fake one. You could only bring one kilo of liquids, separates in small bottles. And…

When you are travel to the different countries, you like to do something interesting during your flight, like read a book or magazine for example. But what if your trip is going to last more then dozen hours? You are not allow to use your phone, and you cannot sleep entire time, but all of…

If you like to travel for a song, you don’t want to spend to much time on your journey and you like to get safe and sound from one place to another, you should invest in cheap plane tickets. Airplanes are the most popular kind of transportation right now, and there is nothing weird about….

Is there a single person in the world, which wouldn’t like to visit a Big Apple? New York is the most popular city of the world, because of spectacular skyscrapers, cultural venues, historical events, famous inhabitants and many, many more. If you are planning to make some business there, you need to spare some of…

If your boss is sending you to some meeting with investors to Hamburg, you should be glad. This German city is one of the most interesting in this country, with plenty tourists attractions to explore. If you are male or female, young or old you won’t be boring here, because it is place for everyone,…

Travel to Windy City is a big adventure, even if you are going there in business. Chicago is a place with a lot polish immigrants in the world, most of our compatriots know someone who has family there. And because of that, it is even more thrill to visit this beautiful city, filled with interesting…

If your work lead you to capitol of Estonia – Tallinn, you are the lucky one. This is a beautiful, cultural city with nice people, and old history. So don’t sit in your hotel room during your free time . Take a walk around the square, and eat meal in local restaurant – you won’t…

More and more people, from all around the world are choosing airplanes as their mode of transportation. They are traveling to meet with their families abroad, they going to vacations, and trip with businesses. Most of European, adult people though once in their live times bought plane tickets. Is nothing strange in that. It is most…