Archive For The “Uncategorized” Category

Nowadays, Poland became very small city. To travel from one city to another, we don’t longer needs spend entire day in the car or a bus. Even train isn’t the faster mode of transportation anymore. All because cheap airline companies, which appear in our country, after it became a member of European Union. Now we…

Many people, while thinking about Germany, promptly associate it mainly with Berlin. It makes sense, as it is the capital city which is famous for its sights and tourist attractions. However, Germany has much more to offer for tourists than just Berlin. Therefore, if you look for inspiration for holiday destination for your summer this…

After first, warm days showed up, a lot of Polish people start to thinking about holiday. We are dreaming about distant lands, tropical beaches, delicious, exotic cuisine. Thanks to the cheap airline companies, we no longer are forced to travel only to the Polish seashore. Nowadays, most of the citizens are wealthy enough to book…

By the Baltic Sea in the Polish part there are many charming towns and villages. What are their characteristics and which are the most interesting to visit?

London is a destination of many tourist from around the world. Most of them are lured by amazing and widely known monuments and historical buildings. Some of them are coming to get familiar with British history, music or fashion. Generally speaking – doesn’t really matter what are you looking for, as you will definitely find…